Emotional intelligence is the capacity for; among other traits: empathy, motivation, stress management, resilience, communication, and the ability to recognize and manage social conflict and situations. Emotional intelligence is no longer a 'desirable trait'; instead, the skills involved are of great importance for anyone, in whatever setting it may be. Therefore, it is important to realize how emotionally intelligent you are. Which makes it even more pertinent to  take the Emotional Intelligence Cognizance Assessment (EICA), today!

What is the Emotional Intelligence Cognizance Assessment (EICA)?
An emotional intelligence assessment gives you a complete understanding of gauging your personality in the EI area. This test aims to assess the different aspects of emotional intelligence, with a primary focus on the individual's self-awareness of their emotions, strengths, and limitations, as well as how the individual makes use of the information from these findings. The Emotional Intelligence test thus gives a person an opportunity to understand self in certain areas as per the scales, and work on creating new habits in life.

Who is eligible to take the EICA?
Anyone and everyone can opt for this online Emotional Intelligence Assessment. The EICA can be taken by anyone who wishes to assess certain traits about themselves, such as confidence, patience, and find out the values they uphold. It includes an emotional intelligence questionnaire with the analysis mapped out as per your responses. Hence, it’s vital you answer it as honestly as possible to measure emotional intelligence.

Objectives and Benefits of the Emotional Intelligence Cognisance Assessment 
1. Personal values
Personal values are an individual's inherent motivating characteristics. The assessment seeks to find out what personal values you hold and how these influence your thoughts and actions. This is because personal values are indicators of what is important to a person and are likely to steer what decisions a person makes in their professional and personal lives. There is a reference to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and an understanding of these values is beneficial in order to decide what gives most sway to what we decide. This is an important scale to measure emotional intelligence.

2. Work values
This emotional intelligence assessment also includes Values as a scale. These are the values instrumental to developing a healthy workplace culture. They drive what decisions a person makes at their workplace. The assessment helps you identify your core workplace needs and how you can prioritize them to ensure you meet your work goals and find a workplace that is in line with what you value.

3. Attitude
They say attitude is everything, and one's way of thinking determines one's trajectory in life. The assessment seeks to measure how one thinks; about themselves, others around them, and the world in general. A good attitude towards life ensures your mindset is always balanced making you make better decisions for your professional and personal life.

4. Laterality
This part of the assessment measures the levels of lateral and logical thinking an individual possesses. Laterality involves what preference an individual has and which overpowers the other. : This assessment of emotional intelligence includes knowing your lateral thinking (creative) over logical thinking (rational). The advantage of assessing which side you incline more towards will enable you to balance between the two types and make level-headed decisions; without letting either the emotions of creative thinking or the rigidity of rational thinking overpower the other.

5. Contentment
Contentment is described as the state of being happy and satisfied with what one has. The EICA seeks to understand how different factors such as anxiety, self-criticism, and setting of expectations affect an individual's satisfaction in themselves, their life, and work. 

6. Risk-taking
As suggested, this emotional intelligence assessment scale aims to establish a person's propensity to take risks that, in turn, affects one's decision-making. Knowing your risk-taking nature allows you to improve on realizing where you need to be risk-averse and where you can take risks. It will help one increase their tolerance to uncertainty, confrontations, and uncomfortable situations. The effect of this leads to better emotional health as well as a confident personality. 

7. Patience
To persevere, when faced with challenges and stormy weather through tough situations is the value of patience. Patience is a coping mechanism and should not be confused with being passive. Patience gives way for emotional freedom and the opportunity to exercise self-control and discipline. This emotional intelligence assessment scale helps to understand the level of patience and improve where needed.hese 

8. Perceiving
Perceiving as a scale in this assessment is measured by how one structures their lives. The benefit is that one will be aware of what they need to be able to make their approach to planning  include a balanced view to create better results in their lives.
9. Self-confidence
The EQI test also includes self-confidence as a scale.  As one of the most important aspects of emotional intelligence, self-confidence is the ability for one to believe and rely on their abilities. Self-confidence allows one to trust in oneself and, in turn, makes them extremely self-reliant. One always needs to be aware about the difference between being self-confident and crossing the line to be overconfident and arrogant about one’s capabilities. 

How does the test operate?
The emotional intelligence assessment  shares the individual's ranges on whether they have high or low scores on the different values. The next step involves a series of self-reflecting questions and a chance to list things a user needs to do to improve the current situation.

How to Begin the Emotional Intelligence Cognizance Assessment
Are you ready to begin the Emotional Intelligence Assessment? Are you ready to discover things about your personality and move towards self-improvement? Are you wanting to create a “Better You”? Then, click here to begin the Emotional Intelligence Cognizance Assessment. Remember, no result is final and binding. You can always work to improve in areas that you seek to find a firm balance.  Questions? Write to: [email protected]

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